Travelers to the UK, what does brexit change for you?

Published on 31 mars 2017

Voyageurs à destination du Royaume-Uni, qu’est-ce que le brexit change pour vous

Remember, on Friday, June 24, 2016, the United Kingdom voted in favor of Brexit at 51.6%. Acted several months ago, the decision was officially activated since Wednesday, March 29, 2017. What are the consequences? Blue Valet decrypts the news and takes stock of the main changes.

In this article

1. Exchange rate: what do we gain?

The gradual exit of the United Kingdom should, according to specialists, influence the course of the pound sterling, which naturally falls. Following the referendum, the pound fell from €1.31 to €1.24 in just a few hours, a trend that has been confirmed since today the pound is at €1.15. A good news for French travelers who see their purchasing power increase. However, we have a moving thought for the British who will have to restrict their spending abroad.

Today: 1€ = 0.8639 GBP      1GBP = 1.1576€

2. Return of Duty-Free

Disappeared for several years, the halls of British airports could once again welcome duty-free zones. The Ministry of Finance indeed indicates that the "non-community resident status could apply", in other words, VAT would be removed from your purchases up to 20% as in France. However, the implementation of this measure is not on the agenda and remains conditioned by the exit treaty. Be patient!

3. Phone charges

While the European Union is implementing a measure to cap telephone charges for all calls made/received from an EU member country and is considering their complete abolition by June 2017, Brexit could exclude Great Britain. "Hello?"

4. Health expenses

Better to plan a trip without sprains! The European health insurance card will no longer allow French people to access Anglo-Saxon care without paying the bill!

Finally, among the bad news, an increase in ticket prices is very likely to be followed by a decrease in flight frequency! As for the question of the VISA, it could see the light of day but remains dependent on new bilateral agreements between EU member or non-member countries ... to be continued!



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