How to manage your return from vacation?

Published on 4 septembre 2017

Comment gérer son retour de vacances ?

You may have been lucky enough to go on vacation for one or more weeks this summer, enjoying the beach, the mountains, museums ... Everyone has their own program! While you should feel refreshed and ready to move mountains, it's not really happening at work ... How to succeed in your back-to-work without losing all the effects of your vacation?

This stress is said to be due to a syndrome which is defined as "a general feeling of discomfort caused by an inability to adapt to work after vacation." In short, fatigue, lack of concentration, irritability, insomnia, palpitations and indifference but above all, a deep sense of emptiness "described Professor of Psychology Humbelina Robles Ortega of the University of Granada.

We believe that this theory doesn't hold much ground and that there isn't really a psychological problem to all this. Simply put, you have abandoned your daily routine and its rhythm to stroll at your leisure ... So, when it comes to resuming the "commute-work-sleep" routine, it's more complicated. That's all!

To make the vacation effect last, some recommend preparing for your return to work in the same way that you prepared for your vacation: sorting your mailbox, taking stock with the person who ensured continuity, making a list of priorities and programming the following week!

Otherwise, we advise you to tell all your colleagues about your trip at lunch, it's like you're almost there! In the evening, when you come back home, ditch your tight shoes and opt for flip-flops! That's the real deal! Finally, occupy your weekends with outdoor activities (beach, mountain, barbecue ...).

After that, unfortunately, apart from telling you that you'll have to get used to the idea and that your vacation is behind you, we don't have any other tricks... Uh yes! Start thinking about the next ones. It seems that organizing your holidays is very beneficial for morale, especially in the weeks leading up to departure. So why not indulge in it?


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